Spelling - Home learning - Sound nk

Year 1
Spelling - Home learning - Sound nk
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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For home learning, children are provided with differentiated spelling lists to practice the 'nk' sound. These lists are designed to help students recognise and memorise words that include this particular consonant blend. The words range from simple ones like 'pink' and 'bank', to more complex options such as 'shrink' and 'rethink'. Each list also presents a challenge word, 'chipmunk', to extend the learning. Blank boxes are included for any additional words that educators may wish to add, ensuring a tailored learning experience for each child.

To reinforce spelling skills, the 'Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check' method is employed. This technique encourages students to first look at the word, say it aloud, cover it, attempt to write it from memory, and then check their attempt against the original spelling. This process is beneficial for visual memory and helps in identifying any areas that need more focus. Furthermore, children are prompted to read and match words to consolidate their understanding of the 'nk' sound. They are also encouraged to write sentences using the words they have learned, which aids in contextualising their spelling practice. Additionally, an activity differentiating real words from nonsense words is included, allowing children to apply their phonetic knowledge in a fun and engaging way.