Wild - Learning Sequence

English Resource Description
The 'Wild' learning sequence is a comprehensive unit overview designed to immerse Year 6 students in the exploration of natural habitats, storytelling, and language development over a six-week period. Week 1 kicks off with an excursion to a local forest, park, or wild area, where children take photographs and begin creating a word bank filled with precise nouns and adjectives inspired by their experience. Sequential language is introduced as students sequence their photos and engage in both oral and written recounts of their trip. The following weeks involve introducing a book, where students examine the title, make predictions, and record ideas about how the protagonist might have arrived in the forest. As they progress through the story, they note events on a map or timeline, delve into the text and illustrations to infer character feelings and motivations, and discuss the story's setting, using their word bank to enhance their vocabulary. The sequence integrates science by linking to the study of habitats and why certain animals are suited to them.
Week 4 marks the transition to securing the sequence of events from the story and identifying the story's structure. Students revisit language tools, develop expanded noun phrases for characters, and practice retelling the story orally. They then write the first draft of the story, which is evaluated, edited, and proofread over several days. Guided reading sessions provide an opportunity to reflect on the message of the story and its connections to scientific learning. The sequence also includes poetry with the reading and performance of 'The Grass House', leading to a creative writing task where students craft their own poem using the original as a model. In the final weeks, the focus shifts to non-fiction with the use of texts on animals and habitats. Students engage in information writing, developing a toolkit, recording facts, and writing texts or fact files, all while experimenting with conjunctions to add depth to their writing. The unit concludes with guided reading discussions that draw connections to other stories and encourage students to articulate their opinions about the texts they've explored.