Daisy saves the Day - Learning Sequence

English Resource Description
The learning sequence for 'Daisy Saves the Day' unfolds over six weeks, providing a comprehensive unit overview that guides students through a variety of engaging activities. In the initial week, students begin by gathering clues about the story's setting using the book's front and back covers. They delve into the text, answering questions and writing thought bubbles for the character Charlie at the train station. They explore the imagery of Manchester, using precise nouns and adjectives to describe scenes, and complete a synonym wheel to enrich their vocabulary. The sequence includes planning ideas, reading up to page 11, and discussing impressions of Manchester, debating whether it would be a desirable place to live. Further activities involve examining illustrations, researching the Industrial Revolution, and empathising with Charlie's experiences in the factory, culminating in writing and redrafting a detailed version of 'Leather Shoe Charlie'.
Weeks four to six shift focus to 'Daisy Saves the Day', where students predict the story's course and collect clues about its setting. They read the text, create thought bubbles and 'hearts' to express Daisy's thoughts and feelings, and engage in character analysis. The sequence includes role-play activities, research on historical context, and descriptive writing tasks. Students annotate scenes with nouns and adjectives, plan their ideas, and write detailed descriptions, which they later refine. The activities become more immersive as students put themselves in Daisy's shoes, especially during pivotal moments such as the night of the fire. They hot-seat Daisy, showing not telling emotions, and finally, plan and write a diary entry from Daisy's perspective, recounting the dramatic events and her return to school, with opportunities to edit and improve their work.