Daisy saves the Day - Learning Objectives

English Resource Description
In Year 2 during Autumn Term 2, students delve into the world of Victorian history through the engaging core texts "Leather Shoe Charlie" and "Daisy Saves the Day". The learning objectives for this term are multifaceted, aimed at enhancing students' abilities across several areas of the English curriculum. In terms of spoken language, the objectives are designed to develop students' confidence in expressing their opinions with supporting reasons, listening to others, and using Standard English in discussions. This foundational skill is crucial for effective communication and critical thinking.
When it comes to reading, the objectives focus on story comprehension and analytical skills. Students are encouraged to retell stories, identify key ideas, and understand the underlying messages from the authors. They will also practice making predictions and drawing inferences about characters' feelings and motives, which deepens their engagement with the text. In writing, the objectives are to understand different purposes for writing, organize ideas through planning, and refine their work based on feedback. Grammar and vocabulary objectives include recognizing and constructing complete sentences with verbs, using expanded noun phrases, selecting precise nouns, identifying and employing effective adjectives, and learning how to frame questions. These objectives are aimed at fostering a robust understanding of language structure and word choice to enhance students' writing skills.