Wonder Lesson 3 - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 3 - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Lesson 3 of the English Teaching Resources focuses on the book "Wonder" and delves into the theme 'Ordinary' as detailed in the first part of the book, covering pages 3 to 80. The lesson starts with a class reading of page 3, encouraging students to utilise their 'Wonder Dictionary' sheet to note down and understand any new vocabulary they encounter. This is complemented by a word warm-up activity centred around contractions, where students are tasked with identifying contracted words within the text and then writing down the full forms of those words. For example, the contraction "doesn't" would be broken down into "does" and "not".

The lesson further includes a series of comprehension exercises that prompt students to consider how they might feel if they were in the shoes of the main character, August. Questions range from asking about August's age to his one true wish and why. Students are also asked to think about and describe August's sister, Via, and consider whether the siblings share similarities. Additional comprehension questions encourage critical thinking, such as exploring the author's choice of words and the emotional connotations behind them, as well as the significance of certain phrases within the context of the narrative. In these exercises, students are guided to use their analytical skills to delve deeper into the text and the characters' experiences.