Wonder Lesson 3: Ordinary - Comprehension Worksheet 2

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 3: Ordinary - Comprehension Worksheet 2
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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As part of an English teaching resource, a comprehension worksheet is available that delves into the theme of 'ordinary' as presented on page 3 of the material. This worksheet is designed to enhance students' understanding of the text and to encourage them to engage more deeply with the content. The first question prompts students to consider alternative vocabulary by asking them to think of a synonym for 'ordinary'. This not only broadens their vocabulary but also allows them to reflect on the nuances of language.

The subsequent questions guide students to list three 'ordinary' activities that the character August engages in, helping them to connect with the character's daily life and identify with his experiences. Another question asks students to explore the differences between the character Via and her parents, prompting a discussion on character dynamics and perspectives within the text. Additionally, students are prompted to consider the spelling and meaning of the word 'realizes', which may differ from their usual spelling 'realises', reflecting on regional variations in English. Finally, the worksheet invites students to empathise with August by asking them how they might feel if they were in his situation. This encourages not only textual comprehension but also emotional literacy and empathy.