Wonder Lesson 12: First-day Jitters and Locks - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 12: First-day Jitters and Locks - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Wonder Lesson 12 delves into the theme of 'First-day Jitters and Locks' by exploring pages 35-40 of the novel 'Wonder' in a classroom setting. Students are encouraged to continue developing their vocabulary using their 'Wonder Dictionary' sheet as they read and discuss the text as a class. The lesson aims to deepen the understanding of the characters and setting, providing an engaging and immersive learning experience for the students.

The lesson features a 'Word warm-up: Alphabetising' activity, where students are tasked with putting the names of August's classmates in alphabetical order, fostering organisational skills and attention to detail. Following the warm-up, the class engages in a discussion about August's neighbourhood, North River Heights, prompting students to think about the concept of a 'block' and to recall various elements and landmarks mentioned in the book. The lesson culminates with a creative task where students work in pairs to draw a map of August's neighbourhood, integrating the features and landmarks described in the chapters. This activity not only reinforces their comprehension but also allows them to visualise and personalise the text's setting.