Wonder Lesson 12: First-day Jitters and Locks - Word warm-up: Alphabetising

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 12: First-day Jitters and Locks - Word warm-up: Alphabetising
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In this English teaching resource, students are presented with a word warm-up activity that focuses on alphabetising a list of names. This task is inspired by a scene from August's classroom, where his teacher, Ms. Petosa, begins the day by reading out the register. The exercise encourages students to identify and list some of the names of August's classmates. To practice their alphabetising skills, the worksheet then asks students to arrange a given set of fifteen diverse and multicultural names in alphabetical order, starting with the first letter of each name and considering subsequent letters as needed.

The names provided for this alphabetising activity include a variety of modern and traditional names, such as Josiah, Caden, Scarlett, Jayce, Aaliyah, Camilla, Luca, Magnus, Anders, Mateo, Eliana, Adalyn, Bjorn, Axel, and Muhammad. Students are tasked with writing these names down in the correct alphabetical sequence, filling them into numbered spaces from 1 to 15. This exercise not only helps to reinforce students' understanding of the alphabet but also aids in developing their organisational and language skills. It's a simple yet effective way to engage students with the characters from their reading material while enhancing their literacy competencies.