Wonder Lesson 1: Investigating the Text - The Blurb Worksheet

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 1: Investigating the Text - The Blurb Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The Blurb Worksheet is a teaching resource designed to help students explore and understand the concept of a book blurb. A blurb is a short description or synopsis found on the back cover of a book, providing potential readers with a teaser of the story's content without giving away too much detail. It is intended to engage the reader's interest and entice them to consider reading the entire book. Authors typically include a blurb as a marketing tool to summarize the narrative's hook, characters, and the unique aspects of their story, aiming to capture the essence of the book in a brief, compelling way.

Within the worksheet, students are also prompted to analyze a quote from the main character, August, from the text they are investigating. The quote "My name is August. I won’t describe what I look like. Whatever you’re thinking, it’s probably worse," suggests that August is a character with a distinct appearance that he assumes will lead to prejudgment or negative assumptions. This single line provides insight into August's self-awareness and possible insecurities or challenges he may face regarding his physical appearance. It invites students to infer character traits and anticipate themes such as identity, acceptance, and the impact of appearances on social interactions, which may be central to the book's narrative.