Wonder Lesson 1: Investigating the Text - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Wonder Lesson 1: Investigating the Text - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The initial lesson of the English Teaching Resources focuses on an in-depth investigation of a text, encouraging students to engage with the visual and written elements of a book's front cover. Students are prompted to discuss the imagery and design choices made by the author, delving into the reasons behind these decisions and forming their own opinions. The lesson also directs attention to a prominent quote on the cover: "You can’t blend in when you were born to stand out." This statement serves as a catalyst for discussion, as students are tasked with interpreting its meaning and rephrasing it in their own words, fostering a deeper understanding of the text's themes.

The lesson continues with an exploration of the book's blurb, prompting students to consider the purpose of a blurb and why authors typically include one. By examining a brief quote from the main character, August, students are encouraged to infer details about his personality and circumstances. Additionally, the lesson includes an analysis of various reviews of the book 'Wonder', from sources such as The Guardian and The Independent. These reviews, which range from describing the book as emotionally powerful to charming and brilliant, offer a spectrum of critical perspectives. Students are challenged to find definitions for key words from the reviews and explore synonyms and antonyms, enhancing their vocabulary skills. They are also invited to reflect on why certain reviews may seem contradictory, promoting critical thinking about literary criticism.