Inspired by: Five Minutes Peace - Week 4

Year 2
Inspired by: Five Minutes Peace - Week 4

English Resource Description

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The English curriculum for young learners often includes exploring the structure of language, such as the formation of compound nouns. In one such activity, children are encouraged to combine two words to create a new term, enhancing their vocabulary and understanding of word formation. For example, the word 'supermum' is formed by joining 'super' and 'mum'. The activity involves identifying compound words from a story, such as 'teapot' from 'tea' and 'pot', 'cupboard' from 'cup' and 'board', and 'leftover' from 'left' and 'over'. To add a bit more of a challenge, learners can also break down words like 'breakfast' into 'break' and 'fast'. They are then tasked to find other compound words within the story and beyond, in other books they may read.

Another key learning objective is to develop reading comprehension and self-correction skills. In an activity inspired by a child named Laura reading 'Little Red Riding Hood', students are asked to consider strategies for overcoming difficulties encountered while reading. They are prompted to think about what actions they can take when they get stuck on a word or sentence. As part of this exercise, they design a poster titled 'What to do when you are stuck', listing various methods to help them move past reading hurdles. This activity not only aids in reading fluency but also fosters problem-solving and independent learning skills.

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