Speak like an expert - Electricity - Year 6

Year 6
Speak like an expert - Electricity - Year 6
Focus Education
Focus Education

Science Resource Description

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In the "Speak like an expert" activity designed for Year 6 pupils, students are encouraged to delve deep into the world of electricity and showcase their knowledge in a concise and confident manner. Each pupil selects a topic from a given matrix, which includes fundamental electrical concepts such as conductors, insulators, and the function of a switch, as well as more complex topics like electrical particles, circuits, and symbols. Once a topic is chosen, the pupil has a two-minute window to articulate their understanding of the subject.

During this exercise, the pupil's partner plays a critical role by listening attentively and subsequently awarding a score out of ten based on the speaker's performance. To add an element of challenge and reward, the score is then multiplied by a factor determined by the complexity of the topic, with more intricate subjects like electrical particles and circuits carrying a higher multiplier. This interactive and educational activity not only encourages students to engage with the science of electricity but also hones their public speaking and critical thinking skills. It's a dynamic approach to learning that recognises and incentivises in-depth knowledge and effective communication.