Show it! Group presentation - Electricity - Year 6

Year 6
Show it! Group presentation - Electricity - Year 6
Focus Education
Focus Education

Science Resource Description

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As part of the Year 6 curriculum on electricity, students are encouraged to delve into the workings of electrical power and its variations. The 'Show It!' segment of the learning journey is an interactive opportunity for pupils to showcase their newfound knowledge to their peers. This segment comes towards the end of the learning process, allowing students to consolidate and articulate their understanding in a group presentation format.

Students are organised into small groups, ideally not exceeding six members, to foster collaborative learning and presentation skills. Each group is tasked with creating an informative presentation on one of several key topics related to electricity. These topics include the nature of electrical particles, the fundamental concept of electricity, the impact of a day without electricity, the role of conductors and insulators, and the process of creating an electrical circuit. These presentations can be supported by a variety of resources, including PowerPoint slides prepared by staff, to visually enhance the learning experience and engage the entire class.