What do we know about babies? - Changes as you grow - Year 5

Year 5
What do we know about babies? - Changes as you grow - Year 5
Focus Education
Focus Education
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In an engaging Year 5 classroom activity, students are presented with the opportunity to learn about the growth and development of babies. The session begins with a visit from a parent and their baby, providing a real-life observation experience. During this visit, students are encouraged to watch the baby attentively for at least 10 minutes. They are tasked with making notes on their observations, particularly noting what the baby is unable to do independently. The age of the baby is taken into consideration as the students speculate on the developmental milestones the baby might achieve in the coming months. The activity prompts the students to reflect on their observations and to discuss whether anything they witness is unexpected or surprising to them.

This practical learning experience is part of a broader topic exploring human life cycles and how they compare to those of various animals. Students delve into the stages of development that a young human undergoes, from infancy through to adulthood. By focusing on the life cycle of a human being, they gain a deeper understanding of growth, development, and the changes that occur over time. This hands-on approach not only provides immediate insights into the capabilities of babies but also fosters curiosity about the biological processes that are common to all living creatures.