Stages of development - Research - Worksheet - Changes as you grow - Year 5

Year 5
Stages of development - Research - Worksheet - Changes as you grow - Year 5
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The worksheet provided for Year 5 students prompts them to research the stages of development from infancy through to toddlerhood. The first part of the research focuses on the earliest stages of a child's growth, beginning from birth up to 12 months. Students are encouraged to investigate the typical developmental milestones that can be expected during the periods of 0 to 3 months, 3 to 6 months, and 6 to 12 months. This may include physical changes, motor skills, and cognitive and emotional development. Additionally, the worksheet asks students to consider the broader question of human life cycles, comparing them with those of various animals, to understand the concept of a life cycle and its phases in young human beings.

The second part of the worksheet extends the research into the later stages of early childhood, covering the ages of 12 months to 3 years. Here, students are tasked with exploring the developmental expectations for three distinct age ranges: 12 to 18 months, 18 months to 2 years, and 2 to 3 years. This research is likely to cover advances in language, social interaction, and more complex motor skills that occur as babies transition into toddlers. The worksheet serves as a guide for students to learn about the continuous process of growth and development in the early years of human life, and how it compares to the life cycles of other living organisms.