Why does a puddle disappear? - Worksheet - Year 4

Year 4
Why does a puddle disappear? - Worksheet - Year 4
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

A worksheet designed for Year 4 students poses the intriguing question of why a puddle disappears from the playground. This exercise encourages children to articulate, in their own words, the process by which the water from the puddle is no longer visible. The worksheet not only explores the specific example of a puddle evaporating but also delves into the broader scientific concepts of how different states of matter—solids, liquids, and gases—can transform into one another. Students are prompted to reflect on and explain the mechanisms behind these changes in state.

Additionally, the worksheet introduces the terms 'freezing' and 'melting', prompting students to define what these processes mean. Freezing refers to the change from liquid to solid when the temperature drops, while melting is the transition from solid to liquid as the temperature rises. This educational material is designed to foster a deeper understanding of the natural phenomena that children observe in their daily lives, such as the disappearance of a puddle, and to connect these observations with foundational scientific principles of matter and its transformations.