Lunar eclipse - Info sheet

Science Resource Description
A lunar eclipse is an astronomical event that takes place when the Earth positions itself directly between the Sun and the Moon. This alignment causes the Earth to cast its shadow over the Moon, preventing sunlight from illuminating the lunar surface. Observers on Earth can witness this phenomenon as the Moon gradually darkens and the Earth's shadow becomes visible across its face. The eclipse offers a unique opportunity to see the interplay of celestial bodies and the effects of their movements in space.
The occurrence of a lunar eclipse raises questions about the workings of our solar system, particularly the roles of the Sun, Earth, Moon, and the planets. It also prompts a discussion about the mechanics behind the cycle of night and day on Earth. Understanding these cosmic events enhances our knowledge of the natural world and the vast universe beyond. By exploring these questions, we can demonstrate and visualise the rotation of the Earth and its orbit around the Sun, which are responsible for the alternation between daytime and nighttime.