Who is the guilty party? - Investigation instructions

Year 5
Who is the guilty party? - Investigation instructions
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

The activity designed to engage students in forensic science tasks them with determining the 'guilty party' through the analysis of fingerprints. Working in groups of four, participants are first instructed to take each other's fingerprints meticulously. Following this, they must ensure a glass is thoroughly cleaned using a sanitised wipe. The next step is crucial: only one individual from the group should place their fingerprint onto the glass, ensuring that there is a single set of prints for analysis. The glass, now bearing a fingerprint, is then exchanged with another group, along with the collected fingerprints of each group member. In return, they receive a bottle and another group's fingerprints. Each group is then given the task of matching the fingerprint found on the glass to one of the sets they have received. The objective is to accurately identify the owner of the fingerprint, with the ultimate goal of earning the title of 'detective of the year'.

The activity also prompts students to think about the nature of materials and changes, specifically in the context of science and crime-solving. It raises questions about which materials can revert to their original form and which cannot, drawing attention to the concept of irreversible changes. This aspect of the investigation encourages students to consider how the science behind irreversible changes, such as the unique and permanent nature of fingerprints, has become an invaluable tool in crime detection and forensics. Through this hands-on experience, students gain insight into the practical applications of scientific principles in the real world, particularly within the field of criminal investigations.