What is dark? - Presentation

Year 3
What is dark? - Presentation
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

The educational presentation for Year 3 Science students delves into the intriguing concepts of light and darkness, and their significance in our daily lives. The curriculum outlines the essential understanding that darkness is simply the absence of light, and that light is a necessary component for us to see objects. Pupils are encouraged to explore how light reflects off surfaces and to recognise that the sun’s light, while essential, can be harmful to our eyes without proper protection. Through engaging activities, students learn how shadows are created when light is obstructed by a solid object and investigate the fascinating patterns in the changing size of shadows.

Building on this substantive knowledge, the presentation also aims to develop students' disciplinary skills. They compare materials based on how reflective they are, observe how the length of a shadow can alter throughout the day, and classify materials by their opacity or transparency. The concept of pattern seeking is introduced as students compare the size of objects to their resulting shadows. Vocabulary such as 'reflection', 'shadow', 'opaque', 'refraction', 'convex lens', and 'concave lens' is explained to enrich students' scientific language. The programme is designed to create a solid foundation in understanding light and dark, preparing students for more complex studies in later years, and fostering a deep and lasting comprehension of these fundamental scientific phenomena.