Why do we use different materials to build a house? - Presentation

Science Resource Description
The presentation delves into the rationale behind using a variety of materials for constructing a house. It begins by examining common materials found in our surroundings and progresses to a focused discussion on a house as a case study. The presentation prompts students to explore where materials such as glass, metal, wood, plastic, and brick or stone are used in a house and to investigate the unique properties of each material. For instance, glass might be found in windows due to its transparency, while metal could be used in structural components owing to its strength and durability.
Students are encouraged to actively engage with the topic by completing worksheets that detail the characteristics and applications of each material within the context of a house. This hands-on approach extends to personal spaces, such as their bedrooms, where they identify items made of glass, wood, and plastic, evaluating if the chosen material is indeed the best fit for its purpose. Through this inquiry, students gain an understanding of the practical considerations that dictate the use of different materials in building a house, such as suitability, cost, availability, and environmental impact. The presentation aims to foster critical thinking about everyday objects and the materials they are made from, underscoring the importance of material properties in the construction and functionality of a house.