What are the names of materials that we see around the school? - Teacher notes

Year 1
What are the names of materials that we see around the school? - Teacher notes
Focus Education
Focus Education

Science Resource Description

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In an educational setting, it's essential for young students to become familiar with the materials that make up their everyday environment. Teacher's notes for a Year 1 class suggest starting with an online resource from BBC Bitesize that introduces the concept of 'Describing Materials'. The focus at this stage is on helping children identify and name common materials, as well as describing their basic physical properties. To begin, children are encouraged to explore different objects within their classroom, identifying those made from materials such as wood, plastic, glass, metal, and paper. This exercise not only aids in vocabulary building but also enhances observation skills as students compile lists of items and the materials they are made from.

After establishing a foundational understanding within the classroom, the exercise extends to the entire school, with a particular emphasis on the outdoor environment. This allows children to encounter a wider variety of materials and understand their applications in different contexts. As they move around the school, they repeat the task of listing items and identifying the materials they are constructed from. This hands-on approach enables students to make real-world connections with the materials they see every day, fostering both curiosity and knowledge about the world around them. By engaging in this activity, children learn to recognise and name the materials commonly found in a school setting.

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