Link it! Prior knowledge - Sound - Year 4

Year 4
Link it! Prior knowledge - Sound - Year 4
Focus Education
Focus Education
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In preparation for their first formal study of sound as outlined in the National Curriculum, Year 4 students bring with them some foundational understanding of how sound behaves. They are aware that the intensity of sound decreases as the distance from its source increases, implying that sound becomes weaker the further one moves away from where it originates. Additionally, pupils have learnt the practical use of ear protectors as a means to diminish the impact of loud noises on their hearing. Teachers are encouraged to explore these concepts with their students to activate and assess their prior knowledge.

To help children articulate and organise what they already know about sound, they are prompted to record their pre-existing knowledge in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of the Knowledge Organiser. This activity not only serves as a baseline assessment but also helps in making connections between the topic of sound and other areas of learning. The 'LINK IT!' section of the lesson plan is designed to encourage students to draw parallels between their understanding of sound within the same subject, across different subjects, and from their own personal experiences. This multifaceted approach ensures a comprehensive engagement with the topic, fostering a deeper and more interconnected understanding of how sound is created and how it travels.