Progression pedagogy - Electricity - Year 4

Year 4
Whole School
Progression pedagogy - Electricity - Year 4
Focus Education
Focus Education
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Electricity is a fundamental concept introduced in Year 4, where pupils begin to understand what electricity is and its crucial role in everyday life. The importance of electricity is underscored by its ubiquitous presence in powering homes, schools, and the myriad of devices that support modern living. As a form of energy that can be transformed into light, heat, and motion, electricity's versatility makes it indispensable in various aspects of contemporary society. The teaching of this topic is designed to ensure that students not only grasp the basic principles but also appreciate the significance of electricity in their daily routines.

The progression pedagogy within this unit of learning is structured around a cohesive 'link it, learn it, check it, show it, and know it' framework, as outlined by Focus Education (UK) Ltd. This approach is aimed at helping pupils to know more and remember more effectively. Before the learning begins, connections are made to prior knowledge, setting the stage for new information. During the learning phase, concepts are taught and explored in depth. At the end of the learning session, understanding is assessed, ensuring that students can demonstrate their grasp of the material. Finally, after the learning, the focus is on retention and the ability to recall information, allowing students to 'make it stick'. This systematic method of teaching and learning is further elaborated in the 'Five stages of learning and remembering' document, which serves as a guide to cementing knowledge in the minds of pupils.