Sound - Vocab Assessments

Year 4
Sound - Vocab Assessments
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The vocabulary assessment is designed to gauge a student's understanding of words related to the topic of sound. The words included in the assessment are fundamental to grasping the basic principles of how sound is produced and perceived. Terms such as 'sound source' and 'vibrate' are integral to understanding where sound comes from and the action that initiates sound production. 'Vibration' and 'travel' further explain the movement and transmission of sound waves through different mediums.

Words like 'pitch', 'high', 'low', 'volume', 'faint', 'loud', and 'quiet' describe the characteristics of sound that we can hear, such as the frequency and the loudness or softness of the sound. 'Insulation' is related to the prevention of sound transmission, while 'soundwaves' are the actual waves that carry the sound from the source to the listener. 'Decibels' is the unit of measurement for the intensity of sound. For each term, students are asked to indicate their level of familiarity, from not knowing the word, to understanding its meaning, to being able to use it correctly in a sentence, thereby assessing their comprehension and ability to apply the vocabulary in context.