How Light Travels - Self Assessment

Year 6
How Light Travels - Self Assessment

Science Resource Description

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This self-assessment checklist is designed for students to evaluate their understanding of key concepts related to the behavior of light. It asks whether they can provide evidence that light travels in straight lines, a fundamental principle in the study of optics. The checklist also prompts students to consider their ability to categorize objects based on their light-emitting properties, distinguishing between luminous objects, which produce their own light, and non-luminous objects, which do not emit light.

Additionally, the self-assessment includes questions about the students' comprehension of how light enables us to see, requiring them to describe the path that light takes to reach our eyes. Another crucial concept is the formation of shadows; students must reflect on whether they can explain why shadows maintain the same shape as the objects casting them. This reflective tool not only gauges the students' grasp of the subject matter but also provides teachers with insights into areas where further instruction may be needed.