Evolution - Objectives Labels

Year 6
Evolution - Objectives Labels

Science Resource Description

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In Lesson 6.11 on Evolution, students set out with clear objectives aimed at enhancing their understanding of the natural world's history. The primary goal for the lesson is to recognise that living organisms have undergone changes over time and to appreciate the crucial role that fossils play in providing insights into the species that once roamed the Earth many millions of years ago. By examining these remnants of the past, learners can connect with the ancient life forms that laid the foundation for the diversity of life we see today.

To gauge their comprehension of the subject matter, students are encouraged to answer key questions. They will be asked to articulate the mechanisms that drive the evolution of species, delving into the natural processes that underpin biological change and adaptation over successive generations. Additionally, they will explore the fossil record, identifying the valuable information it holds about species that are now extinct. Through these questions, learners will demonstrate their grasp of evolution and the evidence that supports it, as well as their ability to interpret the historical narrative that fossils tell us about life's complex journey on Earth.