The Earth and the Moon - Objectives Labels

Year 5
The Earth and the Moon - Objectives Labels
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In Lesson 5.15 titled "The Earth and the Moon," students will delve into the fascinating mechanics of our planet and its lunar companion. The objectives for the day include using the concept of Earth's rotation to explain the cyclical pattern of day and night, along with the apparent journey of the sun across the sky. Additionally, learners will describe the Moon's movement in relation to Earth and acknowledge the Sun, Earth, and Moon as bodies that are approximately spherical in shape.

To assess their understanding, students will be prompted to answer key questions. They will need to articulate the reasons behind the alternating cycle of day and night on Earth, describe the Moon's elliptical orbit around our planet, and explain why the Sun, Moon, and Earth are not perfectly spherical but rather roughly so. These questions aim to consolidate their knowledge and ensure they have grasped the fundamental concepts of the Earth-Moon system and the shapes of these celestial bodies.