Forces - Risk Assessment

Year 3
Forces - Risk Assessment

Science Resource Description

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In preparing for a Year 3 science lesson on forces, the Primary Science Advisory Service (PZAZ) highlights the importance of conducting a thorough risk assessment to ensure the health and safety of all participants, including pupils, teachers, assistants, and classroom visitors. PZAZ directs educators to consult reputable sources such as the CLEAPSS or SSERC websites for detailed health and safety information relating to practical activities and the handling of any hazardous substances that may be encountered during the lesson.

PZAZ emphasises that it does not accept liability for the actions or activities of individuals who utilise the information provided in their resources, such as lesson plans, CPD videos, risk assessments, or other materials. The risk guidance offered by PZAZ is compiled with due diligence, reflecting the knowledge available at the time of preparation. The risk profile for lessons on forces is categorised as 'Low', indicating that with proper controls in place, the likelihood of hazards is minimal. The assessment outlines key definitions, with a 'Hazard' being a potential event that could harm health and safety, 'Risk' being the chance of such an event occurring, and 'Control' being measures taken to reduce the risk and impact of the hazard. The document also prompts educators to specify any chemicals, biological matter, or mains appliances used during the lesson, along with appropriate methods of disposal, to ensure a safe and educational environment for all involved.

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