Material Strength - Presentation

Year 2
Material Strength - Presentation
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In a fascinating exploration of material strength within a Chemistry context, students delve into the properties of everyday materials and their applications in engineering and construction. The lesson's objectives are twofold: firstly, to describe the properties of various materials, and secondly, to understand how these properties make a material suitable for specific uses. The session includes a case study of the Clifton Suspension Bridge, prompting students to consider the materials used in its construction, their types, and the reasons behind their selection for such an iconic structure.

The lesson continues with a hands-on 'Eggsperiment' where students investigate the strength of eggshells, discovering how their dome shape, resembling a parabola, distributes weight and contributes to their surprising strength. This concept is linked to architectural and anatomical structures, illustrating the practical application of shapes in enhancing strength. Moving on, the class compares the strength of paper and cardboard, both derived from wood paste, and examines how layering and shape contribute to the material's robustness. Finally, students are tasked with researching and writing a report on materials commonly used in engineering and building, such as steel, sandstone, limestone, and brick. They address questions about the properties of these materials, challenges associated with their use, and considerations for selecting building materials, culminating in a reflective assessment of what they have learned about material strength.