Habitats and Adaption - Teacher Explanation

Year 2
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Welcome to Lesson 2.12 on Habitats and Adaptation, part of the Year 2 Unit on Living Things and Their Habitats. This lesson aligns with the National Curriculum, aiming to teach pupils how living things thrive in habitats suited to their needs and how they depend on one another. The lesson highlights the importance of safety, reminding teachers to be aware of potential plant allergies and to ensure children follow hygiene practices like washing hands after handling plants or soil. The session also presents multiple cross-curricular connections, including English, through habitat descriptions; Geography, with the study of global habitats; Maths, by counting animals; and Art, through drawing the living things they study.

During the lesson, pupils explore a variety of habitats, from the tiniest ones under rocks to vast oceans, using habitat cards to identify creatures and their adaptations. They engage in a class discussion, using whiteboards or flip charts, to delve into what living things need to survive and where they find these necessities in their habitats. The lesson progresses with a hands-on activity where pupils create their own micro habitats, which must be waterproof. They are encouraged to use materials such as PVA glue, lolly sticks, foil containers, and more to construct a bug hotel. Finally, the lesson concludes with a survey of these micro habitats, where pupils record and count the inhabitants, fostering observational and analytical skills. The teacher leaves pupils with the anticipation of enjoying these activities and the promise of more learning in the next lesson.