Food Chains
Year 3

Food Chains - PowerPoint
Resource 1/2

Teacher of Primary
Science Lesson Description
KS2 Science Teaching Resources ; Food Chains Year 4 science programme of study - Animals, including humans: construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey This year 4 science teaching resource introduces pupils to food chains and is an ideal learning tool to use in a lesson covering the above year 4 science curriculum objective. This colourful and animated PowerPoint presentation includes: Definitions of producers, herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, predators and prey Herbivore and carnivore sorting interactive activity and accompanying worksheet Predator and prey interactive activity with accompanying worksheet Definition of a food chain Interactive food chain sorting activity with accompanying worksheet Food chain quiz with accompanying worksheet Create your own food chain activity and worksheet Mini food chain project and accompanying worksheet Food chains worksheet to check understanding with answers useful links 'Food Chains' can be edited giving teachers the freedom to adapt the resource as much or as little as needed. .
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