Setting Boundaries Lesson Plan

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) Resource Description
The VotesforSchools lesson plan for Primary 5-7 students tackles the important topic of setting personal boundaries. The lesson's learning objectives are to understand the concept of boundaries and to identify one's own boundaries. The lesson begins with a brief feedback session where the whole class reviews the results from the previous week's topic. This is followed by an introduction to the week's VoteTopic question, which asks students to contemplate whether setting boundaries is an easy task for them.
During the lesson, students engage in a series of interactive activities. They start by assessing different scenarios to determine whether the boundaries of the individuals involved are being respected, using a simple thumbs up or down gesture. This activity not only encourages students to think critically about respect and personal space but also provides a visual and engaging way to participate. Pairs and the whole class then discuss various types of boundaries and express whether certain actions by others make them uncomfortable. This is done through facial expressions or discussions with partners. The lesson also includes a segment called "Standing up for me," where students explore appropriate ways to communicate their boundaries to others, followed by listening to The Boundary Song and discussing its effectiveness in helping to set boundaries. Finally, if time permits, students reflect individually or in pairs on their comfort levels with establishing their own boundaries. The lesson culminates with a class vote, where students review arguments for and against the topic before casting their votes.