Do you get enough sleep Lesson Plan

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) Resource Description
This lesson plan, tailored for Key Stage 1 students, is designed to explore the important topic of sleep and its impact on well-being. The session commences with a brief starter activity lasting 2-3 minutes, where students participate in an interactive 'Put a finger down' game. They listen to various statements and respond by lowering a finger if the statement applies to them. This engaging task is a fun way to prompt students to reflect on their own sleep habits.
The lesson then moves on to introduce the VoteTopic and the Learning Journey, setting the scene for the week's focus within a minute. Following this, a short discussion takes 1-2 minutes to delve into the benefits of sleep, using visual aids from the provided slides to guide the conversation. The next 3-5 minutes are spent on understanding the amount of sleep recommended by scientists, helping pupils to compare this with their own sleep patterns and determine if they're getting the appropriate amount. Through the subsequent 5-10 minutes, students assess the consequences of sleep deprivation using a '5 fingers task' for interactive feedback. Another 5-10 minutes are allocated to reviewing case studies and evaluating whether the children in these scenarios are getting sufficient sleep. The session wraps up with a 2-3 minute Yes/No summary, leading to a class vote that encapsulates the different perspectives discussed. If time permits, a 10-minute extension activity encourages pupils to offer advice on how to improve sleep habits. Throughout the lesson, keywords such as 'Sleep', 'Tiredness', and 'Healthy' are emphasized, and additional support is provided for SEN or pupil premium pupils through yellow boxes, which include stretch and challenge tasks to ensure all students are engaged and catered for.