Do you get enough sleep Lesson Presentation

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
Year 3 - Year 6
Do you get enough sleep Lesson Presentation
Votes For Schools
Votes For Schools
AI generated

The "Do you get enough sleep" lesson presentation, created by VotesForSchools2020 for KS2 students, highlights the importance of sleep and its impact on mental health and daily functioning. The presentation begins with an interactive "Put a finger down" activity, where students reflect on their own sleep habits by responding to statements about their bedtime routines and experiences. The lesson is designed to be user-friendly, with clear instructions for navigating the presentation in full-screen mode, using the F5 key or icons to start, and arrow keys or a mouse to progress through the slides. For those learning from home, the presentation encourages participation with a friend via video call, discussion with a parent or caregiver, or teaching the VotesforSchools process to a younger sibling. A voting link is provided at the end, inviting the whole household to engage with the topic.

The lesson continues with a "learning journey" that explores why we sleep, the effects of sleep on mental health, especially during lockdown, and practical advice on improving sleep habits. Students are prompted to consider how a lack of sleep affects memory, concentration, mood, and physical coordination. The presentation suggests various techniques to aid sleep, such as maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, using meditation or relaxing sounds, taking a warm bath, avoiding screens before bedtime, and reading or listening to the radio if sleep is elusive. The students are encouraged to experiment with these strategies and reflect on what works best for them. The lesson concludes with a call to action, providing a sleep calculator tool for students to determine their ideal bedtime and encouraging acts of kindness during Mental Health Awareness Week.

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