Fairtrade and chocolate Lesson Presentation

English Resource Description
The lesson presentation for Key Stage 2 students delves into the topic of fair trade, specifically focusing on the chocolate industry. The session begins with an interactive starter where students are asked to discuss various products they have tried and guess the subject of the lesson. It then transitions into a learning journey that includes understanding personal responsibility, exploring the origins of chocolate, and discussing the importance of fair trade. Students are encouraged to consider whether they would pay more for fairly traded chocolate, with the aim of fostering awareness about the impact of their consumer choices on global trade and the lives of cacao farmers.
As part of the lesson, students are presented with a breakdown of how the retail price of chocolate is distributed among the various stakeholders involved in its production and sale. They learn that cacao farmers in countries like Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana earn only a small fraction of the chocolate's retail price. The lesson also includes a quiz to engage students in identifying gaps in sentences related to fair trade, and a call to action that encourages them to take a quiz by The Fairtrade Foundation and create realistic adverts that reflect the fairness of chocolate production. Ultimately, students are invited to participate in a vote, expressing their opinions on whether they would be willing to pay more for fairly traded chocolate, with the results intended to be shared with organizations such as Oxfam and the Fairtrade Foundation.