Fairtrade and chocolate Lesson Plan

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
Year 3 - Year 6
Fairtrade and chocolate Lesson Plan
Votes For Schools
Votes For Schools

English Resource Description

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This lesson plan is tailored for Key Stage 2 pupils, focusing on the ethical considerations of purchasing chocolate. The lesson commences with a one-minute feedback session where pupils review the results and feedback from the previous term's topic. Following this, the class engages in a starter activity for two to three minutes, discussing their experiences with different chocolate products and attempting to guess the current week's topic. From there, the discussion shifts to understanding why this subject is currently relevant in the news.

Over the next 10-15 minutes, pupils delve into the journey of chocolate, tracing its path from farms to supermarkets and examining how profits are distributed among the various parties involved in the chocolate production process. Subsequently, for eight to eighteen minutes, pupils learn about the concept of fair trade and attempt to complete sentences with missing information to better understand what it means to trade fairly. The discussion then turns to personal responsibility, with pupils reflecting on their own views regarding the purchase of fairly traded chocolate, using a thumbs-up system to express their opinions. The lesson concludes with a 'Call to Action' segment, where pupils are encouraged to extend the topic beyond the classroom, followed by a voting session where they consider arguments for and against the issue before casting their votes. Supporting materials are available for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), and keywords such as 'Fairtrade', 'Manufacture', and 'Cacao' are highlighted to enhance understanding. Additionally, pupils can test their knowledge with a chocolate quiz and are prompted to create their own 'honest' chocolate packaging.

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