Is gaming good for you Lesson Presentation

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
Year 3 - Year 6
Is gaming good for you Lesson Presentation
Votes For Schools
Votes For Schools
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The educational presentation, aimed at Key Stage 2 pupils, explores the multifaceted world of gaming, from its history to its potential impact on health and career opportunities. It begins with a starter activity where students are prompted to discuss the evolution of gaming consoles, identifying the oldest and the newest from a list that includes the Xbox 360, Playstation 1, Gameboy, Nintendo Switch Lite, Sega Genesis, and the Magnavox Odyssey. The lesson progresses to examine the debate around gaming, prompted by comments from public figures like Prince Harry about the addictive nature of games such as Fortnite, juxtaposed with stories of gamers who have won substantial sums of money through gaming competitions.

The presentation then delves into the potential career opportunities within the gaming industry, highlighting that gaming skills can be relevant to jobs and even subjects of study at university level. It challenges students to consider whether gaming could be a viable career path for them. Additionally, the material addresses concerns about gaming, such as its link to disorders recognized by the World Health Organisation, the potential for gaming to lead to anti-social behaviour, and its association with obesity. However, it also points out the benefits of gaming, such as the development of various skills, stress relief, and the joy it brings. The concept of gamification in education is also introduced, showcasing how gaming elements can make learning more engaging and accessible. Students are encouraged to participate in discussions and activities that prompt them to critically think about their gaming habits and the balance of activities in their daily lives.

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