Is gaming good for you Lesson Plan

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
Year 3 - Year 6
Is gaming good for you Lesson Plan
Votes For Schools
Votes For Schools
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The lesson plan titled "Is Gaming Good for You?" is an engaging and interactive session aimed at KS2 pupils. The lesson kicks off with a nostalgic look at gaming history, where pupils are challenged to order images of gaming consoles from the oldest to the newest. This warm-up activity not only serves to spark interest but also to provide a visual timeline of the evolution of gaming. Following the starter, the lesson transitions into an introduction of the week's VoteTopic and Learning Journey, setting the stage for a deeper exploration into the world of gaming.

Students are then prompted to consider the real-world relevance of gaming by discussing the Fortnite World Cup winner and the varied opinions that exist regarding the benefits and drawbacks of gaming. The lesson continues by highlighting potential career paths and educational degrees related to gaming, illustrating how gaming skills can translate into real-world abilities. Pupils are encouraged to reflect on their own daily routines and the potential impact of gaming on their lives, especially when considering the rigorous training schedule of a professional gamer. The session delves into the science behind gaming addiction and what constitutes a compelling game. Culminating in a creative task, pupils are given the opportunity to design their own game, taking into account various elements that make games successful. The lesson concludes with pupils weighing the pros and cons of gaming before casting their votes on the topic. The plan includes additional support for SEN or pupil premium pupils, keywords to focus on, and stretch and challenge tasks, ensuring a comprehensive and inclusive learning experience.

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