Should children keep up with the news Lesson Plan

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
Year 1 - Year 2
Should children keep up with the news Lesson Plan
Votes For Schools
Votes For Schools

English Resource Description

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The VotesforSchools lesson plan for Key Stage 1 poses an engaging question: Should children keep up with the news? The lesson starts with a brief review of the previous week's topic, followed by a starter activity where pairs of students discuss their understanding of "the news" and how people learn about it. This initial discussion sets the stage for a deeper exploration into the significance of the news in our daily lives.

Throughout the lesson, the whole class is involved in activities designed to spark curiosity and critical thinking about news consumption. Students are presented with different news stories and asked to express their reactions—happiness, worry, or curiosity—through facial expressions. This exercise encourages them to articulate their feelings and interests about various news topics. Following this, the class engages in a dynamic activity where they physically position themselves in the room to agree or disagree with different opinions about the news. If time permits, there's an optional activity where pairs imagine running their own newsroom and discuss the kinds of stories they would choose to share. The lesson culminates with a class vote on the central question and a brief introduction to the Student Voice Awards, motivating students to express their opinions and be heard. Accompanying the lesson are keywords, learning objectives, and home learning opportunities, with additional support materials provided for students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

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