Week 6, Assessment week Anagrams Washed Ashore - Phonics Phase 4 - Worksheet

Nursery - Reception
Week 6, Assessment week Anagrams Washed Ashore - Phonics Phase 4 - Worksheet
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During Week 6, students are presented with a fun and engaging challenge as part of their Phonics Phase 4 learning. The worksheet titled "Anagrams Washed Ashore" is designed to test their ability to decode and spell words correctly. The activity simulates a scenario where words have been washed up on a shore, but the letters are mixed up and need to be rearranged. The students' task is to look at an accompanying image, sound out the word, and then write it down correctly from the jumbled letters provided.

For example, the letters 'e t n t f g a l' might represent an item related to camping, and students would need to unscramble the letters to form the correct word. Similarly, the letters 'i f g ti l c ff' may depict something that gives off light, and students must figure out the proper arrangement of these letters. This activity not only reinforces their understanding of letter sounds but also enhances their problem-solving skills as they work to identify the correct word associated with each image. The worksheet is a practical tool for teachers to assess the students' progress in phonics at the end of the week.