Week 4, lesson 5 Review Day - Phonics Phase 4 - Presentation

Nursery - Reception
Week 4, lesson 5 Review Day - Phonics Phase 4 - Presentation
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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During the fifth lesson of Week 4, students engage in a comprehensive review day focused on consolidating their knowledge of Phonics Phase 4. The lesson is structured to provide a balanced mix of revisiting previous concepts, engaging teaching methods, and practical application exercises. The session begins with an introduction that sets the stage for the day's activities, allowing students to mentally prepare for the review ahead.

The teaching segment of the lesson involves an interactive 'Caption Match' activity, where students are encouraged to match captions to images or scenarios, reinforcing their understanding of the relationship between text and context. As the lesson progresses, practical application is emphasized through sentences such as "He bumps into a shark" and "Start up the grill," which challenge the students to apply their phonics knowledge in context. To further practice their skills, students participate in a 'Spot the Fake' exercise, which involves identifying incorrect or 'fake' words, thereby enhancing their discernment of correct phonetic patterns. The lesson concludes with a writing activity, 'Write RACe,' which offers a final opportunity to apply what they've learned in a written format, solidifying their grasp of Phase 4 phonics before the lesson draws to a close.