Week 3, lesson 5 Sound Stepping Stones real words activity - Phonics Phase 4 - Worksheet

Nursery - Reception
Week 3, lesson 5 Sound Stepping Stones real words activity - Phonics Phase 4 - Worksheet
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

AI generated

In this engaging phonics activity tailored for learners in Phase 4, the children are invited to embark on a linguistic adventure to reach a new island. To traverse the stepping stone path, they must use their phonics knowledge to discern between real words and pseudo words. The task is simple yet educational: colour in the stones that are marked with real words. This fun exercise not only reinforces their understanding of word structures but also hones their ability to recognise actual words within the English language.

The worksheet provides a variety of words that the children must evaluate. Some of these, such as 'lump', 'camp', 'trip', 'spin', 'land', 'help', and 'tilt', are real words that should be coloured in by the students. Other words like 'scib', 'clat', 'seft', 'plam', 'golp', 'relt', and 'nustband' are made-up words designed to challenge the children's phonetic skills. By distinguishing the real words from the fictitious ones, students demonstrate their proficiency in Phase 4 phonics and take one step closer to mastering the complexities of the English language.