Week 3, lesson 5Captain Capital matching activity - Phonics Phase 4 - Worksheet

Nursery - Reception
Week 3, lesson 5Captain Capital matching activity - Phonics Phase 4 - Worksheet
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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In the engaging worksheet for Week 3, Day 5, young learners are invited to assume the role of 'Captain Capital', a fun character who is in charge of boats that carry capital letters. The task set before them is a colourful one—literally. The children are asked to identify the boats that have capital letters on their sails and use their colouring skills to fill in these sails. This activity is not only a playful exercise but also an educational one, as it helps reinforce the recognition of uppercase letters in a visually stimulating way.

The worksheet presents a series of letters, both in lowercase and uppercase forms, such as 'k' and 'K', 'j' and 'J', 'i' and 'I', 'b' and 'B', 'g' and 'G', and 'T'. The challenge for the children is to distinguish between these and to colour only the sails with the capital letters. This exercise is part of the Phonics Phase 4 curriculum, designed to solidify the understanding of letter cases among young readers. It is a simple yet effective way to encourage attention to detail and to promote the development of literacy skills.