Week 2, lesson 5 Capital Cannon letter formation activity - Phonics Phase 4 - Worksheet

Nursery - Reception
Week 2, lesson 5 Capital Cannon letter formation activity - Phonics Phase 4 - Worksheet
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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In the second week of a Phonics Phase 4 course, on day five, children embark on a letter formation activity titled 'Capital Cannon'. This engaging worksheet is designed to bolster the understanding and writing of both capital and lowercase letters. The task is straightforward yet effective: children are invited to trace over pre-written capital and lowercase letters to gain confidence and muscle memory in their formation. Following the tracing exercise, they are encouraged to independently write the letters, reinforcing their learning and demonstrating their ability to form letters correctly.

The worksheet focuses on the letters Y, Z, J, and V. Each letter is presented in its uppercase form alongside its lowercase counterpart. The layout provides a clear and structured approach, with several opportunities for children to practice: first by tracing the letters multiple times and then by attempting to write them without guidance. This repetitive method aims to help young learners become more familiar with the shape and structure of each letter, an essential skill for developing proficient handwriting and literacy skills. By the end of the activity, children should feel more comfortable with these letters and be able to recognise and write them both in isolation and within words.