Week 10, lesson 2 Captain Capital activity - Phonics Phase 3 - Worksheet

Nursery - Reception
Week 10, lesson 2 Captain Capital activity - Phonics Phase 3 - Worksheet
All Aboard Learning
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The "Captain Capital" activity is an engaging worksheet designed to help young learners in Phonics Phase 3 distinguish between capital and lowercase letters. In this task, children are presented with an array of boats, each adorned with a different letter of the alphabet. The challenge lies in correctly pairing each boat carrying a capital letter with its corresponding boat that displays the matching lowercase letter. For example, students will need to draw a line connecting the boat with the capital letter 'Y' to the boat with the lowercase 'y', and so on for the letters 'Q', 'D', and 'B' with their respective lowercase counterparts 'q', 'd', and 'b'. This exercise not only reinforces letter recognition but also the concept of capitalization in a fun and interactive way.

The worksheet is a part of the "All Aboard Phonics" program, which is designed to support the development of early reading and writing skills. "Captain Capital" serves as a bonus worksheet within the program, providing additional practice for students to consolidate their understanding of the alphabet. It's a simple yet effective tool for teachers to assess the progress of their students in recognising and differentiating between uppercase and lowercase letters. The activity can be used as a warm-up, a main activity, or even as homework to continue the learning process at home.