Week 10, lesson 2 Reading sentences - Phonics Phase 3, - Presentation

Nursery - Reception
Week 10, lesson 2 Reading sentences - Phonics Phase 3,  - Presentation
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In the second lesson of Week 10, focused on Phonics Phase 3, students are introduced to reading sentences. The lesson begins with a recap of previous learning, helping to reinforce the students' existing phonics knowledge. This is followed by an engaging 'Word Breaker' activity, which breaks down words to make them easier to read and understand. The teaching segment of the lesson aims to guide the students through new material, ensuring they grasp the concepts being introduced.

During the practice part of the lesson, students are presented with a 'True or False' activity, where they read sentences and determine their veracity. For example, they would assess statements such as "An owl can hoot," "A pool can get hurt," and "Wood is sweet," and decide whether they are true or false. This not only helps with reading comprehension but also with critical thinking. The lesson then moves on to the application phase, where students engage in a 'Caption Match' activity, matching captions to images, and sentences like "Rush to the shed" and "Pick up a shell" are used for further reading practice. The lesson concludes with a review of what has been learned, ensuring students are ready to proceed to the next stage of their phonics education.