Week 1, lesson 1 The alphabet - Phonics Phase 3 - Lesson plan

Nursery - Reception
Week 1, lesson 1 The alphabet - Phonics Phase 3 - Lesson plan
All Aboard Learning
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In the initial lesson of Week 1, young learners are introduced to the alphabet and the concept of capital letters. The objective of the day is clearly stated: "Today we will learn the alphabet song and about capital letters!" The lesson begins with an energetic 'Quickdash' activity, where children review previously learned graphemes and pictophones using flashcards. They are encouraged to shout out the corresponding sounds quickly, reinforcing their phonetic recognition and speed of recall.

The teaching segment of the lesson involves singing the alphabet song. The children first listen, then join in, and finally, sing along while pointing to each letter on an alphabet poster. This multi-sensory approach helps them to connect the auditory and visual aspects of learning letters. During this activity, the distinction between capital and lowercase letters is highlighted, explaining their usage at the beginning of sentences and for proper nouns, including their own names. In the practice phase, children engage in matching exercises on the board, linking lowercase to their capital counterparts, and if confident, attempting to write the capital letters themselves. The lesson concludes with hands-on practice using mini whiteboards, where children write both lowercase and capital letters, solidifying their understanding. For those ready for more challenge, extension activities such as Sound Talk and Sound Scramble are provided.