Week 1 lesson 1 The alphabet - Phonics Phase 3 - Presentation

Nursery - Reception
Week 1 lesson 1 The alphabet - Phonics Phase 3  - Presentation
All Aboard Learning
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In the first lesson of Week 1, focusing on Phonics Phase 3, students are introduced to the alphabet with an emphasis on the letters A, B, and C. The lesson begins with a presentation that sets the stage for learning. Students are encouraged to revisit their prior knowledge through a 'Quickdash' activity that refreshes their memory and prepares them for the new content. This interactive approach ensures that children are engaged and ready to absorb the new phonetic concepts being taught.

As the lesson progresses, the teaching segment involves demonstrating the sounds and formations of the letters 'Aa', 'Bb', and 'Cc'. Students then get the chance to practise writing these letters using mini whiteboards, which provides a tactile and visual method to reinforce their learning. The application of the lesson's objectives is evident as students are encouraged to connect the sounds to the written letters, solidifying their understanding of these foundational phonics skills. The lesson concludes with a wrap-up that allows students to review what they've learned before they are dismissed, ensuring the concepts are firmly anchored in their minds.