Week 1, lesson 3 Phoneme "t" Grapheme "t" - Phonics Phase 2 - Lesson plan

Nursery - Reception
Week 1, lesson 3 Phoneme "t" Grapheme "t" - Phonics Phase 2 - Lesson plan
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In the third lesson of Week 1 for Phonics Phase 2, the focus is on the phoneme "t" and its corresponding grapheme "t". The lesson begins with a revision of the three sounds that the children have learned so far, which is a crucial step to help them recall all previously learned sounds. Teachers are encouraged to incorporate this revision at the start of every lesson and throughout the school day, using practical examples like spotting graphemes on display boards or using flashcards during relaxed moments such as assembly time.

The objective of the day is to introduce the "t" phoneme. The lesson starts with a fun and interactive activity where the character Toad About to Explode is revealed alongside the grapheme card for "t". To reinforce the sounds, a 'Sound Jump' game is played where children jump up when their group's phoneme is called out. The teaching of the "t" sound is supported by a story that emphasizes the phoneme, and an associated action where children mimic pumping up a tyre while saying /t/ /t/ /t/. Students then practise writing the grapheme in the air and on each other's backs, and engage in a 'Sound Shout' activity to identify the "t" sound in words. The lesson concludes with practical application through mini whiteboard work, where students practise writing the letter "t", and extension activities that include sorting and drawing, all designed to solidify their understanding of the "t" phoneme and grapheme.