Week 1, lesson 3 Phoneme "t" Grapheme "t" - Phonics Phase 2 - Presentation

Nursery - Reception
Week 1, lesson 3 Phoneme "t" Grapheme "t" - Phonics Phase 2 - Presentation
All Aboard Learning
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Week 1, lesson 3 of Phonics Phase 2 introduces the phoneme "t" and its corresponding grapheme "t" to young learners. The lesson is structured to provide a clear and engaging learning path, starting with an introduction to the new sound. Students are guided back to the menu to navigate through the lesson's different segments, ensuring a smooth transition between activities. The lesson is designed to be interactive, with the use of a presentation to visually support the learning process.

The lesson revisits prior knowledge with an activity called "SOUND JUMP," which helps to reinforce previously learned sounds. The teaching segment then moves on to introduce the new phoneme and grapheme in more detail. Students are encouraged to practice the new sound through a series of slides, each marked with a "Next" button to maintain a steady pace. The practice is followed by an "APPLY" section, where students have the opportunity to use the new phoneme "t" in reading or writing activities, integrating it into their growing bank of phonics knowledge. The lesson concludes with an "END OF LESSON" slide, signaling a wrap-up and a return to the main menu, ready for the next learning adventure.